/ 華麗的冒險 / 陳綺貞 /

長長的路的盡頭是一片滿是星星的夜空 /
這一趟華麗的冒險沒有真實的你陪我走 /
長長的時間的旅程充滿太多未知的誘惑 /
數不清對你承諾過的一切 /
還有多少沒有實現過 /

不願放開手 /
不願讓你走 /
瘋狂的夢沒有了你 /
還有什麼用 /

不願放開手 /
不願讓你走 /
不願眼睜睜的看你走出我的生活 /

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臺北捷運公司祝您 旅途愉快。


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Can you hear me? /

也不是真的不要關心 / 也不是真的不曾介意 /
可偏我也不是真的拒絕這一切 / 只留下自己 /

也不是全都不理不聽 / 也不是真的無從繼續 /
可每一次我都試著堅強 / 都成為不得已的哭泣 /

I'm screaming, I'm losing all of it /
I'm trying to be mature someday /
but till now it's still in vain /

I'm bearing, I'm losing all of it /
I'm trying to go on this path /
but you said I haven't get the jest /

And life screams, they hear /

也不是真的不要關心 / 也不是真的想盡辦法任性 /
而你懂不懂 / 我懂不懂 / 其實我心底都珍惜 /

也不是全都不理不聽 / 也不是硬要顛反事理 /
可每一次我的試著靠近 / 都成了你看見的抗議 /

I'm screaming, I'm losing all of it /
I'm trying to be perfect someday /
but till now it's still in vain /

I'm bearing, I'm losing all of it /
I'm trying to be understood /
but you said I haven't seen it yet /

I'm screaming, I'm losing all of it /
I'm trying to go on this path /
but you said I haven't get the jest /

I'm losing all of it /
I'm trying to be understood /
but you said I haven't seen the point /

I'll try it out, I'll try it out /
I'm trying it out sometime /
I'm trying it out someday /

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一個很偶然的機會,在 104 看到一個自己很想要試的工作。在又一個很偶然的機會,在網路上看到同樣從事這份工作的人現身說法,讓我覺得從事這份工作,所需要的不只是極大的熱忱,還有很大的勇氣。相較於之前搜尋的工作而言,這份工作要接觸的不單單只是上司和同事,還有被視為很重要的顧客。這時候就很佩服靜之,她可以放棄穩定的工作,只為了成就她的夢想。下星期一面試,我不知道我能走多遠,但是沒跨出這一步,我哪都去不成,又怎麼圓夢呢?

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這是我用 Firefox 看今天 無名相簿 首頁,看到的奇怪畫面。我不知道為什麼無名總是對 Firefox 使用者如此的「照顧」,這個畫面我也用 IE 去開過,得到的更慘:整個 1024x768 的畫面完全被廣告佔據,比我這樣一隻鞋加一隻鳥蓋住三塊廣告的各一小塊還慘。

很害怕哪一天, Pixnet 也走向這樣子的後路...

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因為兩次的大爆炸,所以 Pixnet 團隊 (其實只有幾個人) 很努力地寫出備份讓大家把相片打包到別的地方去放著…

話說在知道 Pixnet.net 和 0rz.tw 都已經默默的從 113 搬到 tfn 之後,這已經不只是在做善事了,這是在拿錢燒啊…可能每秒鐘都是以 K 為單位在燒啊…

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全滅。真慘啊…而且上次4和5的好歹照片敘述都還在,這次1和8的連 CSS啊名片啊照片敘述都滅光了…Orz


好險大部份的相片有在 Xuite 備一份,硬碟裡的也大多還沒砍…

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Sarah McLachlan > Surfacing (1997) > Angel

spend all your time waiting
for that second chance
for a break that would make it okay
there's always one reason
to feel not good enough
and it's hard at the end of the day
i need some distraction
oh beautiful release
memory seeps from my veins
let me be empty
and weightless and maybe
i'll find some peace tonight

in the arms of an angel
fly away from here
from this dark cold hotel room
and the endlessness that you fear
you are pulled from the wreckage
of your silent reverie
you're in the arms of the angel
may you find some comfort there

so tired of the straight line
and everywhere you turn
there's vultures and thieves at your back
and the storm keeps on twisting
you keep on building the lie
that you make up for all that you lack
it don't make no difference
escaping one last time
it's easier to believe in this sweet madness oh
this glorious sadness that brings me to my knees

in the arms of an angel
fly away from here
from this dark cold hotel room
and the endlessness that you fear
you are pulled from the wreckage
of your silent reverie
you're in the arms of the angel
may you find some comfort there
you're in the arms of the angel
may you find some comfort here

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